Sunday, September 26, 2010

Canolfan Tryweryn

Many moons ago Canolfan Tryweryn was a regular haunt of mine and the class 3-4 white water rapids were a familiar and routine challenge. My return today followed a car journey filled with anticipation punctuated with moments of apprehension.

The river scenery so perfectly beautiful in the golden Autumn sunshine with misty shafts of light piercing the woodland canopy. In many places you can see the rocks and pebbles on the river bed as the waters run clear from the Llyn Celyn dam. The water is powerful and fast-flowing. Entering the evocatively named 'Graveyard' I am immediately reminded of how fast things happen here. Any loss of control and I am whisked along, bouncing over, and crashing through tumbling water and churning waves.

All around me life on the river seems every bit as I remember. Some poor inexperienced soul is shocked to be suddenly swimming in such an uncomfortable and unforgiving situation. Others are having fun surfing standing waves and playing rodeo with the river's insatiable features. Years ago I would be one of them and perhaps with practice I will be again. Today I pass them by.

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